Monday 20 February 2017

Time to Exhale!

"Make me understand what you are trying to say," Arinze screamed with tears almost rolling down his eyes.
"Why are you doing this? To me, To us!"

Thelma ignored him, wishing she could disappear and avoid Arinze's mournful stare.
"Answer me dammit", he shouted, almost making her crawl out of her skin.

Thelma glared at him trying to carefully pick her words.
"I need space", she finally blurted out. "Its not you, its me. I need to be with you for the right reasons".

"I cant believe this, Thelma?" Arinze said.
 "Right reasons? We've been together for over a year and you still don't know what you want," he said sarcastically. "Why didn't you tell me if i was smothering you."

"Arinze, I dunno. I just don't want to be in a relationship right now", Thelma said not sure of what she wanted.

"Go to hell", Arinze said, throwing the diamond encrusted engagement ring he had just proposed to her with on the floor.
Before she could say another word, he was out of the door, cursing under his breath.

"OK Thelma, This time you messed up big time", she thought to herself.
She had been with Arinze since they first met at a supermarket in Ikeja over a year ago.
From then on, they hit it off and started a romance envied by many.
They took exotic trips together, appeared side by side at red carpet events. Infact they were almost inseparable. Until Now.

Thelma looked around the beautifully decorated dinning hall filled with rose petals and candle lights.
Arinze had rented out the hall just to propose to her. She said NO.
She began wondering if she did the right thing by not only rejecting the proposal but also breaking up with him.
Truth be told, Thelma had no real reason to reject his proposal, she was just scared of being married.
Most of her 'married friends' who went in Cheerful, swearing they were marrying the love of their lives and their best friends turned out miserable after a few months.
She didn't want that.
Slowly, she put her hand into her purse and reached for her cell phone.
"Hello.... can i come over, Please?"


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